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No. 22669 / 193 365
No. 22669 / 193 365


Brytyjskiej produkcji

(Hits: 613)
MZA 246-315 / RENFE 030-2013 - 030-2059 (2)
E. B. Wilson
Alcantarilla–Lorca 1-6 / RENFE 030-2366 - 030-2371 (4)
Sharp, Stewart and Company
MZA 562-575 / RENFE 040-2011 - 040-2023 (5)
Sharp, Stewart and Company
MZA 168 / RENFE 030-2112 (3)
Sharp, Stewart and Company
RENFE 141F-2101 - 141F-2125 (2)
North British Locomotive Company
CF Andaluces / RENFE 220-2021 - 220-2023 (2)
Beyer, Peacock and Company

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